I'm sick of these "warnings" going out about people purposely spreading HIV. If you were not quick to give up the goods, used a condom or request that you are your sexual partner got an HIV test no one could purposely do anything to you. It's 2013 we all know about STI/STD's so the question must be asked why are we so willing to trust our bodies in the hands of a person we just met?
When are people going to take some responsibility for their part in it? I'm not talking about someone in a committed relationship or marriage, I'm talking about the quick to give it up after 3 days or the one nightstand. We should know by now that HIV/AIDS doesn't have a certain look, we have to stand up for our health. We have to start to use our minds and not act off of emotion, trust yourself before you trust a stranger. In no way am I saying a person should not disclose their status what I am saying is that the responsibility goes both ways. When you enter into a new relationship this should be a step that is taken.
We have to do better...
I replied to this on your facebook but I couldn't reply after your response for some reason.
ReplyDeleteThis was my original reply to your post.
You have to take responsibility for your actions but young people in general are impulsive. It can be driving or other actions. I don't think it means that they deserve HIV. I know that I will be ridiculed for commenting but I'm free to share my opinion also.
This was my post after your reply.
You have to take responsibility for your actions was my first sentence. This was not just saying the perpetrator who is knowingly spreading the disease but also the person who contracts it from being emotionally impulsive. I also said that I would be ridiculed regardless. We live in a world where majority of everyone's thought is negative. My compassion was still for those young people who made bad choices because I've made many myself. Someone may be on your page still dealing with the fresh wound of their illness even feeling suicidal.
I even shared your post because I always tell my niece that trusting someone with your body is trusting them with your life. It just reminds me of a quote that I read. " The best way to avoid criticism is to do nothing, say nothing, be nothing."